A regra de 2 minutos para entertainment

[93] Stories remain a common way of entertaining a group that is on a journey. Showing how stories are used to pass the time and entertain an audience of travellers, Chaucer used pilgrims in his literary work The Canterbury Tales in the 14th century, as did Wu Cheng'en in the 16th century in Journey to the West. Even though journeys can now be completed much faster, stories are still told to passengers en route in cars and aeroplanes either orally or delivered by some form of technology.

Japan's unique sumo wrestling contains ritual elements that derive from its long history.[164] In some cases, such as the international running group Hash House Harriers, participants create a blend of sport and entertainment for themselves, largely independent of spectator involvement, where the social component is more important than the competitive.

They spoke with AP entertainment journalist Kaitlyn Huamani about reports of Gilliam visiting the set, casting little people and the pressures of remakes.

Excellent classical-music concerts are staged several times a week at the Louvre Auditorium (off the main entrance hall). Don't miss the Thursday…

Hence, stories and activities, whether in books, film, or video games were developed specifically for child audiences. Countries have responded to the special needs of children and the rise of digital entertainment by developing systems such as television content rating systems, to guide the public and the entertainment industry.

The instruments used in musical entertainment are either solely the human voice or solely instrumental or some combination of the two.[69] Whether the performance is given by vocalists or instrumentalists, the performers may be soloists or part of a small or large group, in turn entertaining an audience that might be individual, passing by, small or large.

However, as cultures become more sophisticated, national nuances appear in the style and references so that what is amusing in one culture may be unintelligible in another.[91]

What is entertainment for one group or individual may be regarded as work or an act of cruelty by another.

Live performances before an audience constitute a major form of entertainment, especially before the invention of audio and video recording. Performance takes a wide range of forms, including theatre, music and drama. In the 16th and 17th centuries, European royal courts presented masques that were complex theatrical entertainments involving dancing, singing and acting.

[204] Individuals and corporations use video hosting services to broadcast content that is equally accepted by the public as legitimate entertainment.

Paris' first piece of 'interactive architecture', this cultural cafe and concert venue was unveiled in 2018. Contemporary works of pixel art prance across…

Both stories and information have been passed on through the tradition of orality and oral traditions survive in the form of performance poetry for example. However, they have drastically declined. "Once literacy had arrived in strength, there was no return to the oral prerogative."[77] The advent of printing, the reduction in costs of books and an increasing literacy all served to enhance the mass appeal of reading. Furthermore, as fonts were standardised and texts became clearer, "reading ceased being a painful process of decipherment and became an act of pure pleasure".[78] By the 16th century in Europe, the appeal of reading for entertainment was well established.

But all the same, I 九游娱乐 think it is the most wonderful thing that I have ever experienced, and I congratulate you with all my heart on this wonderful discovery.

Nearly a decade after his last full-length release, Zedd is releasing “Telos.” The Grammy-winning producer/DJ says he needed to push himself to make an album that would move the needle — one that told a story beyond the success of his debut LP, “Clarity,” or “True Colors.

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